Senin, 24 Februari 2020

type of assessment, problems in class-based assessment and assessment

assignment 2
subject:Language Assessment.

A.achievement, diagnostic, placement, proficiency dan aptitude tests.
Learning achievement test is a measurement tool for student learning outcomes.  As we know, the learning process is a continuous activity, carried out systematically and takes place at different levels of time and abilities.  Therefore, at each level we must know the level of student ability.  For that matter, the learning achievement test is an effective way to find out.
Diagnostic tests are tests that are used to find out the weaknesses of students so that based on this, appropriate treatment can be done.
Placement Test Placement test or better known as a placement test is a test that will be given to students who will enter an institution to determine the level of skills in a particular field, so that groups can be obtained in accordance with students' abilities.
The English Proficiency Test is a comprehensive test that measures all aspects of English language proficiency especially for academic purposes.  Language skills tested include listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Aptitude tests are designed to measure cognitive capacity related to your work.  The concept behind this test is that each test question has only one correct answer, and everyone can correctly solve all the test questions.

B. issues in language assessment;

 a) The teacher still does not have the complete authentic assessment tools desired
 by the curriculum because this aspect of assessment has not yet been fully implemented by the teacher. If it is carried out, the evaluation is only partial or limited to the assessment
 attitude, while other assessments have not yet surfaced.  This is due to time
 which is limited to the 2 x 45 minute format, (for 1 x meeting).  At the time of teaching,
 the teacher engages in guiding students so that the time to apply the assessment is limited
 some don't even have time.
b) Too many formats of assessment procedures for students make the teacher difficult
 summarizes the overall assessment
1. How to describe the problem of language
2. learning in terms of factors teacher who teaches.
3. How is the problem of language learning in terms of factors student problems.

C.classroom-based assessment
Understanding classroom-based assessment class assessment is a judgment conducted by the teacher in the framework of the learning process (Surapranata and Hatta, 2004: 5). Classroom assessment is one of the components of competency-based curriculum. This assessment is done in an integrated with teaching and learning activities. Classroom assessments are made by using a combination of various assessment techniques that include: student collection (portfolio), the work (project), appearance (performance), and written test. Teachers assess student competence and learning outcomes based on the achievement level of student achievement (Sigalingging, 2003: 45).
Classroom assessment is a class-based assessment process, the process of collection, reporting, and use of information on student learning outcomes by applying the principles of sustainable, authentic, accurate, and consistent assessment principles in learning activities under the teacher's authority in the class (Bina partner. 2005) The classroom assessment identifies the achievement of competence and learning outcomes presented through a clear statement of standards that must and achieved accompanied by the student's progress learning and reporting.
Classroom Assessment (is a Assessment of Master by the Technology in the Framework of the Learning Process. The classroom assessment is a process of gathering and use of learning outcomes learners performed by teachers to determine the level of achievement and mastery learners for educational goals (construction, construction, basic development and indicators of learning outcomes). Classroom assessment is a principle, accurate and consistent targets of student competence or learning outcomes and clear statements about the development and progress of students. The point is the grade-based rating can describe the competence, skills and student progress during the classroom.


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